Gema Diaz Illescas
Hello! My name is Gema. I'm from Córdoba, a beautiful city in the South of Spain. Nowadays, I'm living in Burgos, a small town in the North of Spain. There are to many difference between each cities. First, Córdoba has hot weather almost all year, instead of Burgos, where, even on summer, is cold 😩 People in Córdoba are more friendly and helpfully, not like here... I truly miss my city, and I hope to return there really soon.
16 de fev de 2021 12:50
Correções · 2
Hello! My name is Gema. I'm from Córdoba, a beautiful city in the south of Spain. Nowadays, I'm living in Burgos, a small town in the north of Spain. There are so many differences between cities. First, Córdoba has hot weather almost all year, whereas in Burgos, it is even cold in summer. 😩 People in Córdoba are more friendly and helpful, not like here... I truly miss my city, and I hope to return there really soon.
I was in Burgos in 2015. I think it's a wonderful clean city and has many interesting statues and a wonderful cathedral.
16 de fevereiro de 2021
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