Professor Profissional
One Minute Speaking Challenge: Work/Workload Of course you'll have plenty to share when it comes to 'work' topic and that's exactly the purpose of one these daily one minute challenges! To help you 'dive' into your knowledge bank so you have less excuses and all the time in the word to succeed! Few idioms regarding the 'work' topic that you can use in your story': 1.Swamped/snowed under: Overwhelmed with work; having too much to do. 2. Up to my neck/eyes in work: Extremely busy; deeply involved in a large amount of work. 3. Drowning in work: Similar to “swamped,” but suggests a feeling of being overwhelmed to the point of despair. 4. Have a lot on my plate: Having many tasks and responsibilities to handle. 5. Wearing many hats: Having multiple roles or responsibilities. Dive into the recording and practice listening & receive additional questions to help you expand your story even more! To your success Anatoly
3 de dez de 2024 09:31