Professor Profissional
I need to find Chinese characters

I am learning Chinese and I want to write or copy Chinese characters but I can't find. Please, help me.

19 de ago de 2015 12:39
Comentários · 16


You are welcome! Here is also a link you might find helpful: https://3000hanzi.com/blog/the-first-300-chinese-characters-you-should-learn/

Keep in mind that there are two versions of Chinese characters: simplified and traditional. The simplified is used in mainland China and the traditional in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

See the difference here: left is traditional, right is simplified

xiexie 謝謝  谢谢

xuexi 學習 学习

zhongguo 中國 中国

chaye 茶葉  茶叶

Better just learn first only one variant, depending on what you need more.

3 de julho de 2016

As Ash wrote, there is no shortcut. You should learn Pinyin first, because you will need this for typing Chinese on your computer or your phone. There are also other transciption systems for Chinese (e.g. Zhuyin=Bopomofo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bopomofo), but I'd say that Pinyin is the easiest to pick up.

So first you learn, how to write Chinese in Pinyin: "Ni hao." (Hello)

And then you learn the radicals, of which the Chinese characters are made of. That's the list, that Zhang posted.

Ni hao is written 你好. The left part of 你 (you) is 人 (human). Then you count the strokes on the right part (尔 you). Then you can look up the character in a dictionary, in the list of characters with the radical 人, which have 5 additional strokes. There will be characters like 但何位 and others. 好: The left radical consists of three strokes and means woman: 女. The right part is also written with three strokes and means child: 子. You look the character up in the list of radicals with three strokes and then characters with 女 and additional three strokes and you will find 好.

For memorizing characters you can create your own mnemonics, like: 好:How good is a woman (女) with a child (子)?  In this sentence you have clues for pronunciation, meaning and the radicals the character is made of.

Some helpful links:

Ideas how to start learning Chinese characters: http://www.hackingchinese.com/how-to-learn-chinese-characters-as-a-beginner/

Skritter: A software (available for PC and smartphones) for practicing Chinese characters: www.skritter.com

The IMO best dictionary for Chinese language learners: Pleco: http://www.pleco.com/ ;

3 de julho de 2016

I type Chinese characters into computer by using pinyin. You can set this function in Windows and in MacOS.

3 de julho de 2016
Actually, we native speaker tend to learn pinyin first, which is supported by China's Educational Institution. So I think, pinyin is very crucial.
2 de julho de 2016

first in first, you need to learn Pinyin拼音. Pinyin serves like English spelling in a manner in which u can recognize the characters. I understand it will give you a hard time to study Chinese in terms of Chinese characters and Chinese Pinyin that require excellent memorization and hugh effect. There is no way to skip memorizing Pinyin, unfortunately. If you have any question with Chinese, free feel to ask me. I'm more than willing to help you improve your writen Chinese skill.

31 de dezembro de 2015
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