How to say "thank you" in different ways?
19 de ago de 2015 19:09
Comentários · 3

Thank you / Thanks


Muchas gracias


Tante grazie, grazie mille




Merci, beaucoup

2 de setembro de 2015

Diffirent ways or diffirent languages? With the last one I think I can help.

So here are the ones I know: Dank u wel (Dutch -*DUH-), Thank you*, Danke (*German), djienkoeye (Polish - I'm slaughtering the spelling but I know how to say it -), Merci bourcoup (French), Gracias (Spanish -almost*-), Gracie (Italian), Efcharisto (Greek), Te'sekkür ederim (Turkish* - the ' should have been below the s and is pronounced as sh like in ship -), Dank on (Esperanto - I think it was something like this-) Shukran (Arabic), (I believe Farsi had something similar to Arabic but I don't remember), Koh kuhn (Thai), Cam on (Vietnamese), xie xie (Mandarin), Kamsahamnida (Korean) and Arigatou gozaimasu (Japanese*). I may know a few more but can't remember them or I know them without knowing that I know them. Any way I hope it's useful. (I came not as far as I had hoped. I gave myself a challenge to learn to be able to comunnicate in 30 languages by the time I'm 30. I have 4 years left and I only know the ones with an asterisk fluent or to some extent.)

2 de setembro de 2015

Thank you, that's a kind of you.

19 de agosto de 2015