Korean slang words you've learned/know?

A Korean tutor of mine always told me to learn something I'm interested in, and I've really interested in slang words. So far I've learned a really old one-방콕하다 and 곰신 (is this a slang word?)

31 de dez de 2015 01:13
Comentários · 2

가방 끈이 길다: the (school) bag strap is long = highly educated

가방 끈이 짧다: the (school) bag strap is short = less educated

눈팅: read-only activity at a forum, never posting a single post.

눈팅족: people doing above

득템: 득 = to acquire, 템 = iTEM, to acquire a valueable item in a game or real life.

빡치다: to get infuriated

빡침: noun of above

딥빡: deep + 빡침

생까다: to ignore someone, to feign ignorance

쌩얼: 생(raw) + 얼굴(face) = naked face, without makeup

오리발 내밀다: to stick out a duck's foot (after stealing and eating a chicken) = to play innocent

현질: 현금(cash) + 질(activity) = purchasing online game items with real money

"딥빡" example move:


1 de janeiro de 2016

Hi 린넷! I think that's not slang words. It's more closer to secret language than slang. but anybody knows about its meaning. It's New expression of some situation. Do you know that meaning?
'방콕하다' means 'stay at home' and 'don't go out of house'
'곰신' is short form of '고무신' and it means 'a girl who has a boy friend in military servise'
so that I think it is not a bad words or slangs.

31 de dezembro de 2015