Compound Words in German I found something interesting while having some basic German courses: compound words. I once saw a funny meme on the Internet, which describes how German deviates from other European languages. For example, the word "ambulance" looks nearly identical in English, French, and Spanish, but it is "Krankenwagen" in German. However, as a native Chinese speaker, I have to say that only the word "Krankenwagen" makes sense to me. What the heck is "ambulance"??? The ambulance is called "rescuing and nursing van" in Chinese. Once you learn some basic element, you could easily guess the meaning of a new word. I know there are also some roots in English, but most of them are old hence not intuitive today. These interesting compound words somehow encourage me to expand my vocabulary in German. However, I haven't found any resource focusing on such method. Does anyone know any interesting German compound word?
1 de mai de 2018 22:58
Comentários · 5
Übrigens, vielleicht liege ich falsch, aber ich bin fast sicher, dass die unglaublich logische neue Rechtschreibung ein dreifaches F im Wort verlangt:  Dampfschifffahrt

2 de maio de 2018
Genau ! Drei f!
2 de maio de 2018
Why do English speakers laugh at words like „Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft“? All it means is the Donau (the river) Dampffahrtschiff (a steam ship, a steamship navigation) Gesellschaft (company). In English you’d have to break it up into three unconnected words. How would you know in English which should go first?. Just the way the words are lined up? Three side--by-side nouns all come together to say one thing. Why not just write in English „Donausteamshipnavagationcompany“? I think it would be legible , but it wouldn’t be pretty enough in English? Just shows you how illogical English is. 
2 de maio de 2018
2 de maio de 2018
German vocabulary is soooooo much more logical and easier than English. Englisch is ridiculous. English is a stupid language. German should  be the lingua Franca. 
2 de maio de 2018