Confusion with " 할 것입니다 "

I am a beginner in Korean and I'm confused with " 할 것입니다 ".

The thing is, I know"-ㄹ 거" in this case is ending for making future tense, and as far as I know "입니다" is honorific form of the verb "to be" and I suppose that "할" is made with "하" from "하다" which means "to do". 

If I am correct with all of this, then why are verbs "to do" and "to be" used in the same sentence here, and sentence basically holds the meaning of "I will do" (as far as I know).

Thank you for your help! :)

22 de mai de 2019 10:19
Comentários · 1

Your sentence : "The thing is, I know"-ㄹ 거" in this case is ending for making future tense" is wrong

-ㄹ 거예요 and variations (ㄹ 것이다,ㄹ 거다, ㄹ 거야, ㄹ 겁니다, ㄹ 것이에요) are ending for making future tense.

A/V + (으)ㄹ 거예요 : This pattern is used for the future tense.
To make the low form (반말), the 예요 part becomes 야: A/V+(으)ㄹ 거야
This form is originally from A/V+(으)ㄹ 것이다: A/V+(으)ㄹ 것이다> A/V+(으)ㄹ 것이에요> A/V+(으)ㄹ 거예요
ㄹ 것입니다 is an honorific form of ㄹ 것이다

If you really want to break down  할 것입니다,
할 것입니다 << 하(다)+ ㄹ + 것 + 이(다) + ㅂ니다
하다 : to do
ㄹ : future tense modifier 
것 : thing
이다 : to be
ㅂ니다 : honorific ending suffix

것 means "thing". It can be mean a real object, situation or action.

것이다 literally means "to be thing". Commonly translated as "it's that"
It usually used like 
(으)ㄴ 것이다 (past tense)
는 것이다 (present tense)
(으)ㄹ 것이다 (future tense)

1. Real object usage

그 사과는 내가 먹은 것이다 
That apple is that I ate.

그 사과는 내가 먹는 것이다 
That apple is that I am eating.

그 사과는 내가 먹을 것이다 
That apple is that I will eat.

2. Situation, action

(사실은) 그가 이 책을 빌린 것이다. 
The fact is that he borrowed this book.

내가 가장 좋아하는 것은 영화를 보는 것이다.
My favorite thing is watching movies

(확실한 것은) 나는 오늘 이 책을 그에게 줄 것이다.
It's certain that I will give him this book today.

(확실한 것은) 저는 숙제를 할 것입니다.
It's certain that I will do homework.

22 de maio de 2019