Ido Oren
What kind of a partner are you looking forward to meet?
1. Are you looking forward to have an English/Hebrew conversation online?

2. Whether you are interested in such a conversation or not, what are your expectations from the partner I have mentioned?

9 de jun de 2020 19:01
Comentários · 1
 I'm learning Arabic, so I'm not looking for an English/Hebrew conversation online.
 Today I do have 3 language partners that I speak with them Arabic and Hebrew on a weekly basis. I think that I have quite simple expectations from any language partner, I just want them to be serious about the conversations. By serious I mean that they should show up to the chat at the time that we decided and not 2 hours after that time. I can understand if from time to time something happens and someone can’t chat with me at the time that we decided (It’s called life. We do get stuck sometimes at work or at traffic and unplanned things can happen to us), but when it happens I do expect getting a message from them before the chat saying that they can’t chat with me and not just let me find out that they are not on the other end of the line. I also expect them to answer my questions just like I answer their questions. I want them to fix the mistakes that make while speaking Arabic just like I’m fixing the mistakes that they make while speaking Hebrew.
 I don’t think that those are high expectations, but sadly too many people have failed to meet those expectations.

10 de junho de 2020