Jude Plantz
I am brand new here, and intend to teach. I have questions about payments
I was looking at the updated terms, and it confused me, because they referred to "italki credits." Now I wonder, can I earn cash too? Are there circumstances where I am required to accept italki credits as payments? I want cash, I don't want credits.
10 de jun de 2020 21:41
Comentários · 3
italki credits are essentially US dollars. Students use dollars to buy credits and teachers receive credits which can be transferred to a Paypal account or Payoneer account as dollars.

11 de junho de 2020
Okay, thank you, Chris. What confused me, is that it says in the terms that italki credits have no value outside of italki. I have it straight now; I appreciate your help.
11 de junho de 2020
I hope it's okay if I post this here.
10 de junho de 2020