Today is the Queen’s official birthday.
Today is the Queen’s official birthday.
So if you’ve been (or are still) stuck at home like the rest of us, have had enough of <em style="color: rgb(77, 77, 77);">Scrabble</em> and <em style="color: rgb(77, 77, 77);">Homes under the Hammer</em> and happen to be reading this:

Happy Birthday, Ma’am.

I hope you will soon be able to get out again with the corgis.

13 de jun de 2020 10:09
Comentários · 1
We celebrated Her birthday on Monday 8th June. It is always the 2nd Monday of June.
She sent us all a photo of herself riding a horse. Pretty good and healthy for 93 years.
13 de junho de 2020