i'm from israel and need help in spoken arabic

Hey, im from Israel, I speak Hebrew, English and my spanish isnt bad. I also know to speak a little arabic, but i'd like to take it up a notch so i can communicate better with my neighbors.


Shukran Jiddan.

26 de abr de 2012 11:50
Comentários · 1

i had the nice experience in my life i was very religious boy i memorized 5 part of Quran i was leader of people in praying in mosque but when i entered in university in mechanical engineering every thing changed my believe to GOD slowly collapse i didnt enjoyed worship GOD i forgot everything he gave me
one day happen accident to me i understand he dont forget me i found first golden rules in life
(if you be with ALLAH he always are in your side)
now i m happy
i think when ALLAH are with you there are no reason for sad and angry
in next time a talk about the accident change my believe
have a great life

23 de outubro de 2012