Snowy Hairs

狼牙月.伊人憔悴. The moon likes wolf ’s fang.The beauty languishs.

The wolf fang crescent moon.  The pallid beauty.


我舉杯,飲盡了風雪. I lift a porcelain cup,drinking the wind and snow off.

I lift my cup, drinking to the wind and snow.


是誰打翻前世櫃, Who did bump the cupboard filled up with the memories of previous life,

Who had knocked over this cupboard of memories of my previous life?


惹塵埃是非. Provoke the dust of surface,and cause endless quarrel.

Stirring up the dusts of discord.


緣字訣,幾番輪回. Incantation about fate,to and fro for several times.

The number times you recited the formula of life, the Wheel of Transmigration/Life still returning to the same position.


你鎖眉,哭紅顏喚不回.You frowns,crys due to the youth that could not return back.

No matter how much crying in your knitted brows cannot recall your rosy cheeks 2 back.


縱然青史已經成灰,我愛不滅. Even if the history has changed into dust,my love goes on,just like in the initial time.

Even if history turns to ashes, my love is eternal.  Even if history is long forgotten, my love is eternal is the way to translate this line.  However, the original flavour is lost.


繁華如三千東流水.Flourishing world left acommanying with the water flowing to east.

The bustle of the world is like the hustle of three thousand rivers flowing east,


我只取一瓢愛瞭解,只戀你化身的蝶. I simply need a dipper of love,for knowing more,exclusively enjoy the butterfly you turned into.

All I need is a scoop of love and understanding, how I wish you came back as a butterfly.


你發(髮)如雪,淒美了離別. The hairs seem like snow.Miserable and beautiful separate.

Your hair, white as snow, you departed as a beauty in sorrow.



我焚香感動了誰.I burned incense up,for which who is moved?


My burning incense 3 - for whom it has moved?


邀明月,讓回憶皎潔. Inviting the moon,hope it make the memories brighter. 

I invite the moon to brighten my memories.


愛在月光下完美. Perfecting the love shined under moonlight.

Let our love be perfect under its shine.


紛飛了眼淚. The hairs drifting in the snow,flying with tears.

 Profuse are my tears,


我等待蒼老了誰.I have been waiting for someone,growing old day by day.

For whom shall I wait to grow old with?


紅塵醉,微醺的歲月.The drunken wind.Time is a bit plastered. I am not regretful forever, engraving

Get drunk in this vulgar world, get tipsy with the passing time.


我永無悔,刻永世愛你的碑. the monument recording my love for you.

 Regrets I have not, for my love is etched eternally on your monument.


Great thoughts to ponder.  Feel free to ask if you have questions on my translation. :)


1.  Chinese believed in reincarnation.  One has to pass through this "Wheel of Fortune" and see how you will be reborn into a wealthy family, a destitute family etc, depending on the merits of your past life.  If your are so bad, you may reborn into an animal or insect.  In these later cases, your life will be short and suffer the pain of dying more frequently.


2. Rosy cheeks usually mean the rosy cheeks of a beautiful young girl.  In the is case the ruddy cheeks of youth (usually a female).



3.  Burining incense is a Chinese act for the reverence for the gods, Buddha and the departed.


25 de jun de 2012 14:43
Comentários · 6


27 de junho de 2012


27 de junho de 2012

Kim 这是周杰伦《发如雪》的歌词,不是诗,他还有好多写中国风的歌词,内容和意境都是像诗一样美的 :)

27 de junho de 2012


26 de junho de 2012
26 de junho de 2012
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