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Touristic Places of Belarus

I plan to make a trip to Belarus towards summer. Can anyone recommend me some places/cities to visit?

I read some comments about some famous landmarks and many people tend to believe that some of them are a bit overrated. Thus I would like to know opinions of local people.

7 de abr de 2013 19:57
Comentários · 5

Hello Dilek!

Belarus was greatly injured during the Second World War, so many interesting historical places was destroyed. Most of all you will see was built after the war. I agree that  some of our landmarks are a bit overrated. My advise: better visit the nature reserves or some natural places like forests, lakes, etc, if you will have time - you will enjoy out beautifull nature. But if you will visit Belarus in any case - here are some places, where you can go:

1) Nature reserves and beutiful places:

 - Беловежская пуща \ Beilowezhskaya puscha. Its and interesting place with beautiful nature, where lives some kind of rare animals.

 - Березинский заповедник \ Berezinskiy reserve. I was there in childhood and enjoyed it too.

 - Браславские озера \ Braslav lakes. If you will have few free days -go there! You will take a good rest swimming, fishing, visiting russian banya and so on.

2) Historical places:

- Мирский замок \ Mirskiy castle. Nice place

- Несвижский замок \ Have never bveen there but people say its interesting.

- Also you can go to a festival of medieval culture in Novogrudok - depends of the time you will visit Belarus. It will take place 26-28 july. (google it, im not sure)

3) Memory places.

- Брестская крепость \ Brests dungeon. Very interesting place. The memorial or heroical defending from German army during WW2.  

- Хатынь \ Khatyn. This place made the strongest impression among all others for me. Also the memorial of WW2. To the memory or all burned villages.

I hope you will enjoy our country. If you want you can skype me. Good luck!

8 de abril de 2013

Sad but true. At least I feel the same. How to find such guides, Dzianis? How can you trust on someone and how can you convince yourself that the guide will provide a good tour?

15 de março de 2015

Привет. Беларусь - страна с большим желанием чиновников развивать туризм и получать деньги. Но для этого ничего не делается. Или делают те, кто заинтересован в распространении информации о своём сервисе. Очень мало. Всё, что перечислил Ivan это общедоступная информация в google. Я живу в Беларуси и мне интересно иногда что-то посмотреть, стать туристом но найти что-то для себя интересное невозможно. А тот "туризм" который есть очень дорогой с плохой инфраструктурой. Например в Минске City tour стоит 25$, короткая поездка с устаревшей информацией и смотреть придётся архитектурную безвкусицу серых, не интересных зданий. Если собираться в Беларусь путешествовать нужно запастись деньгами, или познакомиться с хорошим гидом, который поможет сэкономить :)

15 de março de 2015


I recommend you to visit Grodno (the city in the West part of Belarus). This city is unique for its gorgeous view, variety of castles, catholic and orthodox churches. Moreover, the city is too tolerant: catholic and orthodox Cristians, Jewish live there in a peace. Not to mention, that the best zoo in Belarus is also set up there. Grodno has an European look with very kind and helpful people! You are welcome in the city of my childhood...:)

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf7IehxKa5Y">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf7IehxKa5Y</a>;



16 de maio de 2013

Great answer! Thank you very much :)
I am especially interested in historical places. We can talk on skype. I will add you now.

8 de abril de 2013