I wanna go to america through work and travel do you thınk must I do ?
5 de out de 2013 18:12
Comentários · 4

if you wanna go to any country you must make you priorities such as

what is my first reason for picking that country

can i handle to live as a stranger in another country , and do i have the ability to fit in 

i honestly wanted to go to america but after my friend went there and stayed for a year she came back saying that shde's really disappointed  because america in the reality isn't like america in movies

In my opinion there's no place such as your own country where you are surrounded by your friends and family


5 de outubro de 2013

thank you my frıend.

11 de outubro de 2013

you should go . when you arrive in another country , you can learn more and board your  horizon.

6 de outubro de 2013

firstly,sarah thank you so much for your comment. actually, you are rıght but I have to go to abroad esspecially amerıca. cause I am an englısh student at unıversty au nd I must ımprove my englısh my departmant ıs translator. if I go there I can ımprove englısh skills and I have a selfconfıdence so I have to do thıs thnk you so much again..

5 de outubro de 2013