Alisa Jk
Looking for the partner to learn basic Turkish (female only)


I am looking for the partner to learn some basic Turkish. Soon my husband and I are going to Turkey for a long holiday (up to few months), in this case I feel nessesary to learn some basic Turkish to feel OK in shops, taxi, whatsoever. In turn, I can teach you Russian (I am a native speaker), Enlgish or Persian.

I am looking for a female lanaguage partner, sorry. I am not approving any requests from guys.

Thank you for reading this message,

3 de jun de 2014 18:48
Comentários · 3

Evet, Türkiye'de kadınlar ve erkekler birlikte yaşar. Nihayetinde bir erkekle nasılsa konuşma zorunda kalacaksın. Otobüste yanyana otururuz, erkek doktorlara gideriz, düğünlerde erkek ve kaadınlar kolkola dans eder vs. Ama en önemlisi bakış açısıdır, nasıl bakarsan insanlara onu görürsün.

Well, In Turkey the female and male live together. You will have to speak to a man in the hotel, mall, on the secrets. We sit near a men, we go to a man doctor, we dance together in weddings and so on. I think, it is the most important thing, your viewpoint.

6 de junho de 2014

You will have to talk mostly to guys in shops and taxis :)

6 de junho de 2014

maybe I can help u :)

5 de junho de 2014