Lindalva Santos
Professor Profissional
Learning Article : How To Say Thank You In Portuguese

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<a href='/article/230/what-you-dont-know-about-obrigado' target='_blank'>How To Say Thank You In Portuguese</a>

how to say thank you in portuguese

Obrigado or obrigada? "Obrigado" is a magic word that can open many doors for you, but you have to fully understand how to use it in context, in order to avoid saying the wrong thing to the wrong people. This article explains how to say thank you in Portuguese.

18 de ago de 2014 00:00
Comentários · 31

Oh no please! 'Obrigado' doesn't sound forced. On the contrary, it's the most common word used to say thanks in Brazil. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I think is the most common word used to say thanks in all Portuguese speaking countries.


'Brigado' is ok if you are in informal conversations with your friends, but in the other situations, sounds really ugly in my opinion. Words for gratitude are always polite, no matter if you say:
- obrigado/a
- muito obrigado/a
- muitíssimo obrigado/a
- muito agradecido/a
- grato/a
- muito grato/a
- agradeço-te
- obrigadinho/a (informal)
- Obrigadão! (very informal)
- Valeu! (very informal)

22 de agosto de 2014

Gostei! Hoje eu aprendi o uso como interjeição e substantivo. Na verdade para os estrangeiros que falam línguas como o inglês que não tem distinção do gênero nem do número é dificílimo.

21 de agosto de 2014

Great article! However, my Brazilian partner says that I need to say 'brigado' to people, as 'obrigado' can sound a little sarcastic or forced.

22 de agosto de 2014

One of the first words I've learnt of Portuguese language was "Obrigado". I think it's impossible forget this word :)

21 de agosto de 2014

It's clear and a good explanation of the difference between male and female words, who is often a real difficulty for the no latin. Obrigada Li :)

20 de agosto de 2014
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