English Help
What's the most exciting thing about learning a new language for you?
2 de set de 2014 20:45
Comentários · 13

its my magic carpet to travel through different minds and experience new cultures.... ;)

2 de setembro de 2014

learning a foreign language will lead you to improve your knowledge circles by discovering new cultures, new traditions, others way of thinking.. and the most important thing in the way or an other it will help you to understand yourself...

2 de setembro de 2014

I think is the fact that you learn new things, you discover things you didn't even expect. You can also understand better your own language and your way of thinking

2 de setembro de 2014

culture , traditions and having new friends :)

2 de setembro de 2014

Learning a language for me is discovering new worlds inside people, cultures and lands!
Every person has a different way of speaking, of passing its experiences and ideas, and through languages we are able to "read" everything. Or at least we can try to do that. ;) 

3 de setembro de 2014
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