Italian Resources

Are their any particular resources (any format is fine) that you would recomend for learning Italian?

13 de set de 2014 05:30
Comentários · 4

I'll have a look at all of the suggestions.
Thankyou to both of you for your help.

13 de setembro de 2014

Example from Peonia´s blo



Come da titolo di questa newsletter ci sono tante novità. Vediamole insieme:

"Fare a meno di": scopri qui cosa significa e quali sono i migliori modi per tradurlo:

Cómo traducir “fare a meno di”

Un eterno dubbio di molti studenti di italiano: si dice"mattino" o "mattina"?

¿Cómo se dice: “mattino” o “mattina”?

Gli ultimi articoli trattano anch'essi di dubbi "eterni" e cioè la differenza tra"qui"e "qua"...

La diferencia entre “qui” y “qua”

...e tra "lì" e"là":

¿”Lì” y “là” son lo mismo o hay una diferencia?

Gli esercizi sono questi:

Ejercicio: Artículos determinados

Ejercicio: el “come” exclamativo

Ejercicio: demostrativos

13 de setembro de 2014

Hello,I use


peonia (blog)

Marco Nisidia (blog)

13 de setembro de 2014

Ciao Kristy,

I haven't personally tried using a tutor for this site (though a few of my friends love italki as a resource) but I do recommend Living Language. It's a well constructed workbook program that's paired with audio discs. This program specifically has given me better results than anything else I have tried, and it's managed to keep my interest all this time :) . I recommend Living Language to actually teach you the language, but I recommend and to help reinforce and build vocabulary.

13 de setembro de 2014