Annie Liang
What are the most difficult hurdles when you learn Korean?

Hi everyone,


I'm a Korean learner and have just studied at the beginning of this year. At first, I thought the korean pronounciation is the most difficult, along with my achievements been fulfilled, the auxiliary words differentiation became the top problem.


What about you? How do you feel during the learning period? We can improve together~~~힘내!

19 de set de 2014 05:56
Comentários · 2



I've been learning for about a year now and it's still so hard but I'm still trying to persevere with it. At first pronunciation was the main problem but I think my pronunciation has improved enough for people to understand me most of the time. Nowadays, my main difficulty is listening. For me, Korean words seem to blend into each other so that it seems like an entirely different word. 


Also the hundreds of counters Korean has for different things is something that I've struggled with. And simple things like the various words they have for day 일, 날, 틀, 흘...etc. 



19 de setembro de 2014

Oh man I have soo many difficulties while learning Korean XD. Considering the fact that I mostly teach myself (with the help of some Korean natives from this site, of course), there are many problems I face.


Where to begin? Hmm.. pronunciation is an issue, no doubt, although I feel I have gotten better at it.

Also, just the differences in grammar contexts can also be quite difficult, especially since I'm a native English speaker ;). Although I know many words and phrases, it is still incredibly difficult to form my own sentences; and it doesn't help that I have no confidence in my speaking ability either :p


Reading and writing have been the easiest part of the language for me (as I'm sure it is for most Korean learners). That's about it, I think haha

19 de setembro de 2014