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Are your life dreams really yours?

Have you ever wondered or investigated where your life dreams come from? Why do you want what you want, and not wanting something else? Is it something that you can really choose or it is somehow already decided? Can you decide to want or like something and then in the next second completely change your mind about that? For example, to feel you like italki and in one second later to choose to hate it? 



20 de set de 2014 05:22
Comentários · 2

Your topic is quite complex ! For a long time I thought I have to do things because I wanted to live my life in accordance with the stereotypes established by our society and I wasn't satisfied.Now I know that I'm free to do what I want by myself! So I make my own choices even if they are bad choices! Anyway life is a paradox and there's no point trying to analyse all because our feelings. Reason has no bearing on emotions... well it's my case! But I'm not really a good example:)

Perhaps I am off-topic! In that case I answered to your question!

20 de setembro de 2014

Hi, Peter! It's really a good question. I'm new here, I've created profile a few minute ago, and see your theme in discussions. Just in time, because resently I think about it very often. What am I doing and why?

You know, I am in relationship now, and a year ago I've thought, that it is exactly what I need: family, children, comfortable house and every evening I'm going home from work and having a dinner with my family. By the way, that home had to be in England (I'm from Russia). And now I have a real chance to reside this live and I am not sure that it's my plan, not my mom's dream. But it's too hard to understand, that you need a new plan, and whats harder to explain it to your Family and partner.

It's a common situation, when people behave according to their family's want or how it is normal in society. 

20 de setembro de 2014