Learning Article : 5 Ways to Respond Like a Native: 相槌 (Aizuchi)

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<a href='/article/421/5-ways-to-respond-like-a-native-aizuchi' target='_blank'>5 Ways to Respond Like a Native: 相槌 (Aizuchi)</a>

So, you understand what the speakers are saying, but you don’t know how to react to them. Have you ever found yourself in that situation? Let’s learn 5 useful expressions to help you respond like a native Japanese!

30 de abr de 2015 00:00
Comentários · 12


4 de maio de 2015

It is hard to come up with aizuchi words when you think about it.

What I have come up with is as follows;


tashikani = certainly

naruhodo = understood, interesting...

soudesune = I understand, I see..


But what you say the most is "hai", "ee" or "un" depending on how casual/formal conversation is.

10 de maio de 2015

Thank you for this fun and interesting post about how people converse and behave during conversation depends on language. Not only about speaking manners, cultural diversity emerges. When I speak English, I maybe kinda too busy doing AIZUCHI like 'Uh-huh', 'right', 'really?', 'exactry', sometimes 'Then?'. And I talk to people who speak Japanese as a second language, I would prefer the AIZUCHI from speakers, which makes me feel easy and the conversations smooth. Seems nothing can change very core of cultural bases.

9 de maio de 2015


30 de abril de 2015




30 de abril de 2015
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