How can i improve my English?
29 de mai de 2015 10:28
Comentários · 5

Depends what you want to do exactly, but in this regard, the internet is your biggest resource...

29 de maio de 2015
29 de maio de 2015
熟能生巧 ;)
29 de maio de 2015
1- Study English grammar . 2- talk to native speakers 3- watch movies and concentrate on the conversations 4- Read some English articles and translate what you can't understand 5- watch some Youtube videos related to Learning English 6- Try to write some notes/stories 7- Don't be afraid to make mistakes let people help 80 this site should help you too :D
29 de maio de 2015
You can improve by practicing with friends, family members, or even relative who speak English as well. If you want to learn more you can always try watch American television series or movies. Another idea if you want to learn how to buy thing or gocery shopping .. Make flash card of the items you want to buy and for sure you will remember those items. Just random ideas.
29 de maio de 2015