Language club

Ciao! Siamo un gruppo di amici, di cui la maggior parte arriva da Italki, che qualche mese fa hanno creato un language club per dare a tutti una possibilità di esercitarsi in diverse lingue straniere.
In questo periodo siamo diventati una splendida community e anche buoni amici. Siamo un gruppo di ragazzi un po' pazzi, divertenti e dedicati che si aiutano a vicenda nello studio di altre lingue. Ci piacerebbe aggiungere nuovi membri al gruppo. Se sei uno studente dedicato, un po' pazzo, a cui non da fastidio ricevere centinaia di messaggi, questo è il posto adatto a te.
Per favore scrivi perché vorresti partecipare e se sei adatto al gruppo, saremo felici di aggiungerti.


(Italian translation by Naty)


Hi! We are a group of friends, most of us from italki, who set up a language club a few months ago to provide a chance to everyone to practise different foreign languages. During this time we have developed into a wonderful community and made good friends. We are a group of crazy, funny, committed people who are happy to help each other in learning languages. We would like to add new members to the group. If you are a committed learner, a bit crazy and don't mind receiving thousands of messages and being unable to go to sleep in time, this place may be for you. Please write down why you would like to join and if you fit the group, we would be glad to add you as a member.

11 de jul de 2015 23:11
Comentários · 26

Zeeshan, I'm sorry you believe this, but fortunately our members like the place. Magdalena can't know what our club is like, since she hasn't applied to join and hasn't talked to us.


Sorry for not being able to admit you as a member, but your application didn't reach the minimum number of votes. Voting normally takes 3 days, and I'm really sorry it took so long this time, but this was an exception, some members requested a change in the voting system and it needed time.


Ana is also an admin and wrote to you because I have too many tasks already. You can't expect me to do everything in the club. 


Durian, you can't know who is admitted and who isn't, since you haven't applied for membership.


If you are wondering about who are admitted to our group: if you write a two-sentence introduction about yourself, saying "I want to join" and nothing else, you will probably not get too many votes. We would like funny, witty introductions, then we will surely want to add you. So far, most applicants have been admitted, and some of them became our good friends in a short time.

26 de julho de 2015

"Do you want to join this epic group?

First requirement: you can't join"

Keep it up, guys. lol

26 de julho de 2015

I agree with Magdalena. This club is very unwelcoming towards new members. The way I was communicated with right from the start was very cold and I already got the feeling that I won't be welcomed.


They went through such a long voting process and after a few weeks informed me through another member that I was not accepted and didn't even care to mention a reason for it.


You should post your eligibility criteria here so that people can read it before applying.

26 de julho de 2015

Okay, I don't want to be rude, but... I saw some people here announced this awesome group but it seems to be like a masonic lodge or something. Seriously, you have so many rules, votings etc. maybe some initiation rituals too? ;) Is it this group for mobile addicts? I use only skype, always glad to welcome someone new (I mean: serious and patient).

14 de julho de 2015

Where have you stated in your post that each introduction will be voted on by the members and you will be accepted or rejected based on voting?


This is why people send you "I want to join" messages because they think they are just sending you a personal message. How do you expect them to guess that any kind of voting will take place and because of that they should write a unique, funny, witty introduction?


And then you judge these people based on these intros only? You can see that your entire selection process is very unclear and completely flawed.

26 de julho de 2015
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