Grant Meo
Can you help me to correct my writing test? Thanks

Writing practise test 2:

Two bar graphs and the line chart describe the information of a survey through a three-year to research views of citizens in London about their city.

In the first bar graph, the best things about living in London are illustrated clearly through six issues range of shops, job opportunities, mixture of people, etc. As you can see on the chart, transport which acccounts approximately 20 per cent in all of the survey is the least attentive matter of people in the city. While the item occupies the highest per cent in the chart is range of shop. Furthermore, it is double the percentage of transport with over 40 per cent in three years.

Next, the second bar graph shows the result of the survey conducted to discover the worst things in London by citizens view.Overall, the transport is still a problem which has the smallest percentage in all of worst things about living in London. On the other hand, three issues accounts the biggest percentage in year 1 are the cost of living traffic congestion and the crime. They are approximately 60 percent each problem.

And the final chart, the line graph shows three major problems in London the litter, the air quality, the noise. It can be seen easy that the common trend of air quality and the noise is an slow decrease over a three-year period. In contrast, the litter which is the biggest percentage in three problems increases in year 2. Afterwards, It reduces remarkably by 10 per cent.

2 de ago de 2015 10:00
Comentários · 1

Put this on NOTEBOOK. It will be easier for people to correct.

2 de agosto de 2015