This is a question What can I do when I accumulate points on italki? for example writing Note, Discussion, Answer etc...
22 de abr de 2014 14:37
Correções · 6

This is a question

What can I do when I want to accumulate points on italki? <em>I guess that gathering points is something that you want to do? </em>

Can I for example write a note, discuss something or answer another persons entry? 
writing Note, Discussion, Answer etc...

23 de abril de 2014
You can make notebook corrections, comment on discussion, or commen on notebooks to add up points on
19 de julho de 2014
If you have questions about beta points, you can just click on the question mark next to the beta points. And you can also click on the beta points to get more info.
23 de abril de 2014
I may be wrong, but I don't think the points do anything for you besides being a sort of ranking system. For instance, someone could look at your account and see that you have a lot of italki points. They could conclude then that you would be a good language partner or teacher because you are clearly involved in the italki community.
23 de abril de 2014
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