Colin 麥科林
Chinese to English Translation - Drug Education 藥品教育–給家長及監護人的參考資料 Drug Education: A Guide for Parents and Guardians “藥品”的含義 The Meaning of “Drugs” 藥品是指任何除食物、水和氧氣之外,服食後能給人體帶來生理和心理功能變化的物質。 A drug is any substance other than food, water, or oxygen that causes physiological or psychological changes in the body after being ingested. “藥品”涵蓋的範圍包括:  合法藥品,如咖啡因,煙草和酒精。  能夠從藥店或超市購買的藥品,如止痛藥和非激素類的抗炎症類藥品。  需要醫生處方的鎮靜劑。  非法藥品,如大麻,海洛因,迷幻藥和安非他明。  其他任何不恰當使用的物質,如汽油和溶解劑。 “Drugs” include:  Legal drugs, e.g. caffeine, tobacco, alcohol.  Drugs that can be purchased from pharmacies and supermarkets, e.g. painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.  Prescription-only sedatives.  Illicit drugs, e.g. marijuana, heroin, hallucinogens, amphetamines.  Any other substances used inappropriately, e.g. petrol, solvents. 學校目前實施的藥品教育準則 The Current Drug Education Standards Implemented in Schools 目前教育的準則的前題,是承認社會中存在使用各類藥品的事實。兒童很早便意識到藥品這個問題。他們從家庭成員,朋友,學校,社會和媒介(特別是電視、電臺和互聯網)中獲得這方面的信息,繼而形成了他們對藥品的態度。 The premise of the current education standards is to acknowledge the fact that all kinds of drugs are used in society. Children become aware of drug issues from an early age. Their attitude towards drugs is formed by the information they get from family members, friends, school, society, and the media (especially television, radio, and the Internet). 藥品教育提倡健康的生活方式,並為年輕人提供正確和清晰的信息,說明使用藥品的後果;同時培養他們交流,決策和解決問題的技能,使他們能夠對藥品的使用作出全面和理智的決定。 Drug education promotes a healthy lifestyle, provides clear and accurate information to young people, and illustrates the consequences of drug use. It also develops their communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills so that they can make comprehensive and rational decisions about drug use. 藥品教育特別重視關於止痛藥,煙草和酒精的教育,也恰如其分地提供了有關大麻的信息。調查顯示,這些藥品對青年人的危害最為嚴重。 Drug education pays special attention to painkillers, tobacco, and alcohol. It also provides information about marijuana accordingly. Studies show that these drugs are the most harmful to young people.
14 de jul de 2014 14:07
Correções · 4
Painkillers, tobacco and alcohol are prioritized in drug education??
11 de dezembro de 2016

Chinese to English Translation - Drug Education

Drug Education: A Guide for Parents and Guardians

The Meaning of “Drugs”


A drug is any substance other than food, water, or oxygen that causes physiological or psychological changes in the body after being ingested.


 合法藥品,如咖啡因,煙草和酒精。
 能夠從藥店或超市購買的藥品,如止痛藥和非激素類的抗炎症類藥品。
 需要醫生處方的鎮靜劑。
 非法藥品,如大麻,海洛因,迷幻藥和安非他明。
 其他任何不恰當使用的物質,如汽油和溶解劑。

“Drugs” include:

 Legal drugs, e.g. caffeine, tobacco, alcohol.
 Drugs that can be purchased from pharmacies and supermarkets, e.g. painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.
 Prescription-only sedatives.
 Illicit drugs, e.g. marijuana, heroin, hallucinogens, amphetamines.
 Any other substances used inappropriately, e.g. petrol, solvents.

The Current Drug Education Standards Implemented in Schools


The premise of the current education standards is to acknowledge the fact that all kinds of drugs are used in society. Children become aware of drug issues from an early age. Their attitude towards drugs is formed by the information they get from family members, friends, school, society, and the media (especially television, radio, and the Internet).


Drug education promotes a healthy lifestyle, provides clear and accurate information to young people, and illustrates the consequences of drug use. It also develops their communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills so that they can make comprehensive and rational decisions about drug use.


Drug education pays special attention to painkillers, tobacco, and alcohol. It also provides information about marijuana accordingly. Studies show that these drugs are the most harmful to young people.
11 de dezembro de 2016

Chinese to English Translation - Drug Education

Drug Education: A Guide for Parents and Guardians

The Meaning of “Drugs”


A drug is any substance other than food, water, or oxygen that causes physiological or psychological changes in the body after being ingested.


 合法藥品,如咖啡因,煙草和酒精。
 能夠從藥店或超市購買的藥品,如止痛藥和非激素類的抗炎症類藥品。
 需要醫生處方的鎮靜劑。
 非法藥品,如大麻,海洛因,迷幻藥和安非他明。
 其他任何不恰當使用的物質,如汽油和溶解劑。

“Drugs” include:

 Legal drugs, e.g. caffeine, tobacco, alcohol.
 Drugs that can be purchased from pharmacies and supermarkets, e.g. painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.
 Prescription-only sedatives.
 Illicit drugs, e.g. marijuana, heroin, hallucinogens, amphetamines.
 Any other substances used inappropriately, e.g. petrol, solvents.

The Current Drug Education Standards Implemented in Schools


The premise of the current education standards is to acknowledge the fact that all kinds of drugs are used in society. Children become aware of drug issues from an early age. Their attitude towards drugs is formed by the information they get from family members, friends, school, society, and the media (especially television, radio, and the Internet).


Drug education promotes a healthy lifestyle, provides clear and accurate information to young people, and illustrates the consequences of drug use. It also develops their communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills so that they can make comprehensive and rational decisions about drug use.


Drug education pays special attention to painkillers, tobacco, and alcohol. It also provides information about marijuana accordingly. Studies show that these drugs are the most harmful to young people.

21 de dezembro de 2014
31 de julho de 2014
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