my school days I send this text because I am practicing for my exam in the language school on September and I need to help by review it. A student magazine has asked its readers to send in contributions on the topic of school memories. Write an article for the magazine under the title My School Days. Write 150-180 words. I think that my school days weren’t many differents of a little town nowaday. My older school was a small building where there were 6 classrooms and in them were 2 grades but that wasn’t any problem because the teacher was very organized. I remembered my classroom with green and little desk and chairs, the desks were situated one after another, and there were two big and dark blackboard that at the end of the day were white of dust. I did like go to the school, my favourite subject was Language, I’d love it and the teacher was many sweet an attentive but I didn’t like geography, I studied and studied it but I couldn’t remember so many things. I draw the maps and so I remembered better but it was horrible to pass this subject. My schoolmatter nowaday are my friends and I remembered when run downstairs towards the playgroud, this break was the prefer moment of the day for my, when I could play with my friends in the swings or we invented new games, it was fantastic. In general I have many good memories of my school days.
28 de ago de 2014 10:59