一次难忘的经历 . Today I will be talking about my experience living and working in China. 今天我要说一说我的体验住和工作在中国。 From 2011 to 2012 I worked as an English teacher in china. 从2011 到 2012 我以前在中国是一个英语老师。 去中国工作英语老师。 I wanted to travel overseas so first I did a TESOL course and then I looked for a job. 我想去别的国家旅行的。 我先学了TESOL 然后我找工作。 Because I didn’t know where I wanted to go, I applied for jobs in many countries. 因我不知道我想去哪儿,所以我申请了很多国家的工作。 In July of 2011 I got offered two jobs. 二零一一的七月我找到了两份工作在中国的不同地方。 One was in daqing, one was in yangzhou. Daqing is a small city, north east of Beijing and very far away. Although Yangzhou is also a small city, it is close to shanghai and therefore travel is very convenient. 一份在大庆, 一份在扬州。大庆是一个小城市在北京东北边,也很远。虽然扬州也是一个小城市但是离上海不远。旅行很方便。 I thought daqing was too far away and too cold so I decided to work in Yangzhou. 应为我觉得大庆太远了和太冷了,所以我决定在扬州工作。 Before I went to china I had never studied chinese before and knew nothing about China. 、我去中国之前我没有学过中文。 我以前去中国我从来没学习中文。 I started work the day after I arrived in Yangzhou. I had never taught before and was extremely anxious. I also didn’t get help. 到扬州之次日我开始工作。我从来没教学生所以前觉我特别担心。也没人帮忙我。 This is a photo of my first class. 这个照片是我第一个课 Some of my classes were at the training center and some were at kindergartens. Some at the kindergartens had up to 40 students younger than 5. 有的课在周末学校。有的课在几个幼儿园。 Sometimes the kids would ask me about Australia. Once I was telling them about kangaroos and a boy said, ‘actually teacher Georgia, we have kangaroos in China too.’ 有时候我的学生问我澳大利亚的问题。他们说, ‘georgia 老师, 澳大利亚有什么动物?’ 一次我跟他们说说袋鼠。 一个小男孩说: ‘老是你知道, 中国也有袋鼠!’ If it weren’t for that experience I never would have started learning Chinese. I learnt a lot about Chinese culture 如果我没去过中国, 我先在不会说中文。 我先在知道很多中国文化的东西。 If you’ve never been to china I suggest you go. I will never forget my experience and very much want to return. 如果你没去过中国我建议你去。我没忘了我的体验, 我很想会去了。 **Question** 1. 体验跟经历的意思一样不一样?
22 de set de 2014 00:25
Correções · 6
23 de setembro de 2014

一次难忘的经历 .

Today I will be talking about my experience living and working in China.


From 2011 to 2012 I worked as an English teacher in china.

从2011 到 2012 期间以前在中国是一英语老师。


I wanted to travel overseas so first I did a TESOL course and then I looked for a job.

我想去别的国家旅行所以 我先学了TESOL 然后我找工作。

Because I didn’t know where I wanted to go, I applied for jobs in many countries.


In July of 2011 I got offered two jobs.


One was in daqing, one was in yangzhou. Daqing is a small city, north east of Beijing and very far away. Although Yangzhou is also a small city, it is close to shanghai and therefore travel is very convenient.

一份在大庆, 一份在扬州。大庆是一个小城市在北京东北边,也很远。虽然扬州也是一个小城市但是离上海不远。旅行很方便。

I thought daqing was too far away and too cold so I decided to work in Yangzhou.


Before I went to china I had never studied chinese before and knew nothing about China. 、我去中国之前我没有学过中文。(This one is better。)我也不了解中国。 


I started work the day after I arrived in Yangzhou. I had never taught before and was extremely anxious. I also didn’t get help.

This is a photo of my first class.


Some of my classes were at the training center and some were at kindergartens. Some at the kindergartens had up to 40 students younger than 5.


Sometimes the kids would ask me about Australia. Once I was telling them about kangaroos and a boy said, ‘actually teacher Georgia, we have kangaroos in China too.’

有时候我的学生问我澳大利亚的问题。他们说, ‘georgia 老师, 澳大利亚有什么动物?’
一次我跟他们说说袋鼠。 一个小男孩说: ‘老师你知道, 中国也有袋鼠!’

If it weren’t for that experience I never would have started learning Chinese. I learnt a lot about Chinese culture

如果我没去过中国, 我就不会学习中文,先在不会说中文。 我现在先在知道很多中国文化的东西

If you’ve never been to china I suggest you go. I will never forget my experience and very much want to return.

如果你没去过中国我建议你去。我不会忘记我的这次经历没忘了我的体验, 我很想再回

1. 体验跟经历的意思一样不一样?

体验:learn throgh practice;learn through one's personal experience.e.g:体验生活

经历:go through;undergo;experience.

For example:How many countries have you been to ?

What kind of food did you eat?e.g个人经历/生活经历

22 de setembro de 2014
体验是动词 经历是名词
22 de setembro de 2014





经历,动词,名词。experiencing,undergo 意思是亲自做过、遇到过(的事情、情况),重点是某件/某种事情在他身上发生过(因此对他的思想观念或者境况有所影响),这种经历不常常不是当事人主动寻求的。|| 中国人民经历过国家分裂、社会动荡、民生维艰的苦难,所以十分珍视安定团结、稳步发展的社会状态。|| 他经历过很多事情,所以不免感觉豆豆的话很幼稚,但他还是很认真地听她把话说完。【这两句话里的”经历“都不能换成”体验“】。



|| 我们出发的时候每人只带了一小盒饼干,打算好好体验一下”野外生存“的感觉。|| 演员们来到村里,和农民朋友同吃、同住、同劳动,认真体验农民的真实生活。II 你在中国当了一年外教,谈谈你的体验好吗?(可以谈经历的事情【否则”体会“也无从谈起】,但重点是从这些经历中得到的感受、经验,这些感受、经验,或者是有趣的、新鲜的,大家愿意听;或者是有用的,对别人有帮助,或者是值得自己回味的)。

22 de setembro de 2014
作文写得不错。看样你学汉语,进步还是比较快的。 ”经历“和”体验“都可以对应于英语的experience这个词,所以可能会造成困惑。虽然都含有experiencing的意思,但是在汉语里,这两个词出现的场合是不同的,一般是不能互相替换的。搞清楚它们意义的细微区别以及各自出现在什么场合,这就是困难之处、问题所在。 经历,动词,名词。experiencing,undergo 意思是亲自做过、遇到过(的事情、情况),重点是某件/某种事情在他身上发生过(因此对他的思想观念或者境况有所影响),这种经历不常常不是当事人主动寻求的。|| 中国人民经历过国家分裂、社会动荡、民生维艰的苦难,所以十分珍视安定团结、稳步发展的社会状态。|| 他经历过很多事情,所以不免感觉豆豆的话很幼稚,但他还是很认真地听她把话说完。【这两句话里的”经历“都不能换成”体验“】。 体验,动词,名词。指通过亲自做某见事情来获得某种经验、能力,或者得到某种感觉,或者是得到的这种经验、能力或感觉。做动词时,这种行为往往是主动进行的,目的是获得真切的感受。作名词时,意思的重点是得到的感觉、经验或者能力,而不是经历过这件事本身。|| 我们出发的时候每人只带了一小盒饼干,打算好好体验一下”野外生存“的感觉。|| 演员们来到村里,和农民朋友同吃、同住、同劳动,认真体验农民的真实生活。II 你在中国当了一年外教,谈谈你的体验好吗?(可以谈经历的事情【否则”体会“也无从谈起】,但重点是从这些经历中得到的感受、经验,这些感受、经验,或者是有趣的、新鲜的,大家愿意听;或者是有用的,对别人有帮助,或者是值得自己回味的)。
22 de setembro de 2014
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