New small shops in my neighbourhood The whole neighbourhood is completly full of small shops from chinese products or moroccan fruits or even bakeries chinese. This new people from other cultures are completly integrated in our neighbourhood. Now, we are a society multicultural, on the one hand, this is beatiful because, I think, cultures from all over places are very rich and we can speak with people of other countries and buy differents products and other... but, in the other hand I cannot get (leave?) to think in our old small shops. It's very sad but I have to say you that every old shops are closed down. They cannot compete with so low prices, it was imposible and finally they had that close down. If you could review this composition, I would be very gratefull. Thanks in advance. Best regards.
23 de set de 2014 18:35
Correções · 3

New small shops in my neighbourhood


The whole entire neighbourhood is completely full of composed of small shops from selling Chinese products, or Moroccan fruits or even Chinese pastry. bakeries Chinese. This Newcomers bring their  people from other cultures along and they become are completely integrated into our neighbourhood. Now, we are a society have become multi-cultural. On the one hand, this is beautiful because, I think, as each cultures from all over places are very is unique and rich.   and We can speak with people of other countries and buy differents products and other... but, learn from each other and expand our horizons; experiencing new tastes in their food and see from their view point.  However, on the other hand, I cannot believe that the native product shops are being closed down as they cannot compete with these much lower priced goods.

get (leave?) to think in our old small shops.??? I can't figure this out. So I am guessing,   It's very sad but I have to say you that every old shops are closed down.
They cannot compete with so low prices, it was imposible and finally they had that close down.

If you could review this composition, I would be very gratefull.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

23 de setembro de 2014
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