Ana Paula Daluz
IN LOVE WITH U.S.A. Hey, I'm writing this 'cause I want to tell why I love America. I'm from Brazil. Sometimes I hate my country: there's a lot of corruption, negligence with public health, the cost of living here is very high, most of people are uneducated and so on but I prefer to think on the best things that we have here: the hot! I hate cold more than I hate my country. I have had the English contact since I was a child, with my relatives listening and watching traditional music and movies from the U.S.A. and I learned to love it. I started to study English here when I was 04. Today I'm an English teacher and I try to teach English for my students with the same love that did me fall in love for the language, the culture, the tradition and the country but it's a hard work 'cause some of them even like the language, just study for obligation but I love who loves studying it. I love America, I love the artistic prodution and I'd love to live there. Bye, see u.
30 de out de 2014 16:10