Gujarati phrasebook ; How are you? (formal): ('' Kem chho? '') ; How are you? (informal): ('' Kem chhe? '') ; Fine, thank you. : (''Saras/Saru, aabhar '') ; What is your name? : ('' Tammaru Naam su Che? (Pronounced: Tuh-maru naam su che '') ; My name is ______ . : ______ . ('' Maru naam ______ chhe.'') ; Nice to meet you. : ('' Tamne maline anand thaiyo (Pronounced: Tuhm-nay mull-ine Aah-nand Tha-eeyo '') ; Thanks. : ( dhanyaawaad; Dhuhn-Ya-Vaad '') ; You're welcome. : ('' Tamaru Swaagat che'') ; Yes. : ('' Haa. '') ; No. : ('' Naa. '') ; Excuse me. (''getting attention'') (''Māpha karaśō'') ; Excuse me. (''begging pardon'') : . ('' Maaf Karjo. (Pronounced: Maaf kur-jo) '') ; I'm sorry. : ('' Manne Maaf Karo[please forgive me] (Pronounced: Muh-nay Maa Kuh-Ro '') ; Goodbye : ('' Aawjo[lit. come] (Pronounced: Aaw-jo '') ; Goodbye (''informal'') : (''pachi maliye (see you later '') ; I can't speak ''name of language'' [well]. : [ ]. (''mane ________ nathi avadti ) ; Do you speak English? : (''tamme English avade chhe??. (Pronounced: Tuh-may Un-greji Bo-lee Sha-ko Cho'') ; Is there someone here who speaks English? : ('' Ahheya koi Angreji Bolva vallu che (Pronounced: Ahee-ya Koi Un-greji Bol-va Va-lu Che? '') ; Help! : ('' Madad(help) Karo (Pronounced: Muh-dud Kuh-Roh)'') ; Look out! : ('' Sambhalo (Pronounced:Sum-Bhaalo!'') ; Yesterday. : ('' Gay-Kale (Pronounced:Gay-Ca-lag'') ; Tomorrow. : (''Kale (Pronounced:Ca-Lay'') ; Good morning. : ('' Su(Good) Prabhat (Pronounced: Soo Pruh-Bhaat. '') ; Good evening. : (''Shub(Good) Sham'') ; Good night. : ('' Shub Ratri (Pronounced: Shoe-bh Raa-tree.'') ; Good night (''to sleep'') : ('' Sui Javo (Pronounced:Soo-e Jaa '') ; I don't understand. : ('' Manne samaj nathi padtee (Pronounced:Muh-Nay Sa-muj Nuh-thee Pud-tee.'') ; Where is the toilet? : (''Sauchalay(toilet) kya che ? (Pronounced: Sau-Cha-Lay Kya che?'') ; I love you : "huun tane prem(Love) karuu chuun" OR "Hu Tane Pyaar Karu chu." OR "oo tane prem karu chu" ; Do you love me? : "tu mane prem kare chhe?" ; I miss you : "tuun yaadh aave chhe" ; Happy Birthday: "janm din muubaarak" ; Congratulation: "Mubaarak" ; I like you: "huun tana pasand(Like) karuu chun" ; I have _ brothers/sisters : " mera pahay __ bhai/bhen chai" ====Months==== ; January : Kartik ; February : Magsher ; March : Posh ; April : Maha ; May : Fagun ; June : Chaitra ; July : Vaishakh ; August : Jeth ; September : Ashadh ; October : Shravan ; November : Padravo ; December : Aaso
5 de nov de 2014 12:53