Travelling to Osaka Last month, I traveled to Osaka. It is a beautiful city.People in there are very nice. I found People live there are very leisure. there are few cars on street when I leaved hotel at 8:00 Am. If in Shanghai, it must be traffic jam at same time. Japanese dress very fashion. Many girls wore skirts in cold day when i wore feather jacket and almost every ladys made up. Campered with them i was pay too little attention on dress. Japan is very interesting place. I think I will travel there again.
2 de mar de 2015 15:17
Correções · 1

Travelling to Osaka

Last month, I traveled to Osaka. It is a beautiful city. People in there are very nice.
I found People live there are the life of people there very leisurely. There are few cars on the street when I leaved left the hotel at 8:00 am. If in Shanghai, it must there would be a traffic jam at the same time.
Japanese girls dress very fashionably. Many girls wore skirts in cold day when I wore a feather jacket and almost every ladies wore make up. Compared with them I was paid too little attention on to my dress.
Japan is a very interesting place. I think I will travel there again.



3 de abril de 2015
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