07月我可能返去香港。 今年我可能得留喺香港呀。如果係,我就會教英文喺英文camp.. 每個星期我要教十個學生啦。 This year I may get to stay in HK! If I can, then I will be teaching English at an English camp. Every week I must teach a group of 10 students.
25 de abr de 2015 21:20
Correções · 7


今年我可能留喺香港呀。如果可以,我就會喺英文營教英文.. 每個星期我要教十個學生。 

This year I may get to stay in HK! If I can, then I will be teaching English at an English camp. Every week I must teach a group of 10 students.



One significant difference between Eng and Chi is that the order of "place/location" and "action" is reversed.

Eng: Subject + Action + Location
Chi: Subject + Location + Action 

E.g. I play badminton in a badminton court. 我係羽毛球場打羽毛球.

However, location may also be put before the action as follows:

Eng & CHi: Loaction, + Subject + Action

E.g In a zoo, we can see different animals. 係動物園入面,我哋可以見到唔同動物。

1 de maio de 2015


今年我可能可以留喺香港呀。如果係咁嘅話,我就會喺英文camp(1)教英文喺英文camp.. 每個星期我要教成(2)十個學生
This year I may get to stay in HK! If I can, then I will be teaching English at an English camp. Every week I must teach a group of 10 students.


1. 夏令營 is summer camp and is often used in activities posters and stuff, I'm not quite sure how to say camp though. You can say "培訓班", but that means training class. 

2. If you want to express that this is a big job, then 成 helps emphasise on the difficulty of it. But if you just want to state this in a matter-of-factly kinda way, then the 啦 should be omitted. 


Hope this helps. :) Good luck. 

26 de abril de 2015


今年我可能可以留喺香港呀。如果咁的,我就會係英文camp(英文訓練營)到教英文.. 每個星期我要教十個學生。
This year I may get to stay in HK! If I can, then I will be teaching English at an English camp. Every week I must teach a group of 10 students.


(hope your dreams will come true ~ a dream is a wish your heart make ^^ ) 


26 de abril de 2015


今年我可能留得喺香港呀。如果係,我就會教英文喺一個到英語營教英文… 每個星期我都要教十個學生啦。
This year I may get to stay in HK! If I can, then I will be teaching English at an English camp. Every week I must teach a group of 10 students.

28 de abril de 2015


今年我可能可以留喺香港呀。如果可以嘅話,我就會教英文喺英文camp教英文.. 我每個星期要教十個學生啦。

26 de abril de 2015
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