Please correct my translation Spirit of The Regents to Defend Regional Rights The history of regional autonomy in Indonesia has always been marked by existence of regulation product that replaces the previous product. That transformation in one hand marks the dynamical orientation of regional development in Indonesia from time to time. On the other hand, it can also be understood as a part of “politic experimentation’ ruling in carrying power. The period of regional autonomy in Indonesia starting from the publication of Law No. 22 of 1948. Then came another Law No. 1 of 1957 (as the first single rule that applies to all of Indonesia), law No. 18 of 1965 (which adopts the widest possible autonomy system) and law No.5 of 1974. In this era, regional autonomy does not run smoothly. Central government intervention is greater than the autonomous regional rights itself. Actually the ideals of the autonomous regional government as outlined in the Law No. 1 of 1945, the result of various considerations of monarchy and colonial periods. Aspect ideals of people sovereignty goal in this law defined three types of autonomous regions such as residency, regency and municipality. Post-reform, claim of regional autonomy is re-emerge. Development gap, the limited of services to people and the lack of competitiveness of region, the enactment of law No.22 of 1999 and law No.25 of 1999. Then law was later refined by the enactment of law No.32 of 2004 about regional government, the spirit of regional autonomy that has transformed the face of region in Indonesia. The executed of regional autonomy transforms the centralization to decentralization, making the region have the power to develop themselves. This transition is certainly has a good or bad in managing the regions, because there so much authority and responsibility. We have to admit that great authority has been able to transform the region in just a few period of leadership. Furthermore, possessed great authority raises enviousness. In several years the implementation of regional autonomy under law 32 of 2004, various regulations began to erode the values of autonomous regions. As a result, the regions no longer have a power to develop themselves, exploit the natural resources and develop the capable human resources. Since then, the region exposed to the half or fully autonomous system as mandated by laws.
28 de abr de 2015 10:30