Ealry partnership Early Partnership Undesirable There is no denying that the dream of finding a desirable lover is deeply rooted in each individual ,particularly when it comes to our contemporary society ,where the purpose of marriage is not so innocent as it used to be. Notwithstanding, there is a controversial phenomenon that many young people are eager to build a early partnership with their lovers .From my perspective ,the early partnership will lead to some inevitable problems, which will exert severe influence on our life from all walks of lives . In the first place ,generally speaking , Immersed in love ,people usually pay little attention to what they really should do ,especially those young people whose all-sided developments of mentality haven’t be fully fulfilled .In the second place ,their financial condition does not allow them to do anything they prefer .When they are young ,it’s the also the crucial period of their study which will play a critical role in their future .In the third place ,the frustration of an end of relationship can’t be accepted by some of young people. Moreover the frustration will weaken their will to pursue anything else in their life and lead to the stagnation of their determination. In conclusion, for young people ,unquestionably ,love is wonderful, but it should cost their much to focus on it .
4 de mai de 2015 13:07
Correções · 1
Bro, wrong language section, you better repost it there to get the corrections.
4 de maio de 2015
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