Team Sprite (1) 在当今日趋激烈的竞争中,企业生存和发展壮大的能力取决于企业团队的集体竞争力。 As the competition grows increasingly fierce, the survival capability and the ability to develop of an ernerprise depends on the competition of the enterprise team. 因此,培养一支充满协作较深的的高效团队,是决策层的管理目标之一。 Therefore, it's one of the enterprise decisionmakers' management objectives to nurture an efficient team fulling of cooperation sipirit, 要尽可能使团队成员享有共同的目标和期望,享有相近或类似的观念、信念、价值和行为规则,以形成一种共同的行为模式,团结共进、众志成城----这就是企业凝聚力的体现。 There's the embodiment of enterprise cohesion, the team members have the same goal and expectation, the similar idea, belief, value and behavior as possible to form a common behavior model.
6 de jul de 2015 13:44