José Mujica, an exceptional leader with a visionary mind Jose Mujica is not an ordinary man, he is the first president to reject all the luxuries he earned as head of state, and the first to legalize marijuana in an entire country, and as part of his ability to create debate and opinion he has given memorable speechs, as the one he gave at ONU back in 2013 which is a must see. I highlighted some of his words: He begins saying "Amigos todos soy del sur" , he highlighted some flats about his country Uruguay, like that is an economy based on memories, then talks about him, his failures and feelings . Pepe, as he is called in his country, is anger about the present and destiny of the planet, and lists several problems that the world is facing from poverty, to latinamerica, intolerance, wealthy, marketing of everything, and the mechanization of men. After this he invites to avoid frivolity, to change bureaucracy for practicity, to embrace a world ruled by science, and to assume a political approach to globalization, Finally provides a panorama of how nationalism as a system is no longer good, stating that back in the independence days it was good as being intended by and for the poor but which in hands of those with power hurts and oppress societies. He closes with some powerful phrases, the man is on prehistoric times when lives at war, once forces focus on the essential they will explode their real potential, life is a miracle and everything. What a beautiful human being
7 de jul de 2015 01:47