The Grandfather 30 8 2015 I have heard about the message of Peter‘s grandfather, whose body has been becoming weak since last months. And he is ninety-one this year.The grandfather was excellently healthy, he give the deep love he has to Peter always. “I’m extremely sad to hear about my grandfather,”Peter said, “he is a miracle,there are few people can grow up ninety years old in my hometown. And I‘m the only male in my families three generations. ” “Human must die,you and me and everyone cannot escape death, however,your grandfather isn’t gone. Keep calming down and go back home some day. ”I comforted Peter. I regard the grandfather as a precious book, which record nearly a century of history about China. He experiences every big thing in recent a hundred in China. Such as Anti-Japanese War(1937-1945),Domestic War(1945-1949), Big Famine(1959-1961),and WenHuaDaGeMing(1966-1976), it's a amazing miracle. ----sincerely Michael Wong To my dear Peter Pang
30 de ago de 2015 11:11