My source of inspiration When I was a child I used to look up to Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, whom is one of the most famous fashion designer in the world. I spent a lot of time making different dress -designins, while I dreamt become celebre like her. I wish I had gone to one of her awesome fashion parade but, unfortunatly It was never possible. I really like her colorful and baggies clothes. Morever, she usually dress up her models with spectacular shapes such as checked skirts or striped dresses with big hearts. She has always been a rich source of inspiration in my live. Few years ago, I took a seam course and I bought a sewing machine to sew my own designs. Nowadays, I run my own business and I sell all kind of clothes from casual to formal dress and same complements such as elegant pendants and handkerchieves. Today, I can say I archive my goal and I am proud of my self.
30 de nov de 2015 21:50
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My source of inspiration

When I was a child I used to look up to Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, whom is one of the most famous fashion designers in the world.

I spent a lot of time making different dresses -designins, while I dreamt of becoming a celebrity like her.

I wish I had gone to one of her awesome fashion parade shows but, unfortunately, It was never possible.

I really like her colorful and baggy clothes. Morever, she usually dresses up her models with spectacular shapes such as checkered skirts or striped dresses with big hearts.

She has always been a rich source of inspiration in my life.

 A Few years ago, I took a seam sewing course and I bought a sewing machine to sew my own designs.

Nowadays, I run my own business and I sell all kind of clothes from casual to formal dress and same complements such as elegant pendants and handkerchieves.

Today, I can say I archive achieved my goal and I am proud of myself.


Well done!

30 de novembro de 2015
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