Today I read an article about the urbanisation, the problems of it and the solutions. Nowadays we can call us an urban species, because more of us are now living in the cities than in the countryside. But the cities offert only a limited number of spaces to live in. The unlimited demand of living spaces leeds to sky-high rent prices, which again results in slum housing. The famous French architect Le Corbusier had once the idea to knock down the old city of Paris in order to make space for new high-rise buildings. Luckily he was not able to enforce his plan. But what, if anything, can be done about urbanisation? More about this topic will come with my next post.
19 de fev de 2021 14:40
Correções · 2
Today I read an article about urbanisation, the problems it causes and the potential solutions. Nowadays we can consider ourselves an urban species, because more of us are living in cities than in the countryside. But cities offer only a limited number of places to live in. The unlimited demand for living spaces leads to sky-high rent prices, which results in slum housing. The famous French architect Le Corbusier once had the idea to knock down the old city of Paris in order to make space for new high-rise buildings. Luckily he was not able to enact his plan. But what, if anything, can be done about urbanisation? More about this topic will come with my next post.
Well written :)
19 de fevereiro de 2021
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