Participle 4. Выберите правильную форму причастия: 1. The quality of goods (advertising, being advertised) is rather bad. 2. I was proud of (having been elected, being elected) the chairman. 3. The house (building, being built) in our street is very good. 4. (Being shown, having been shown) the wrong direction, he lost his way. 5. On (arrived, arriving) at the town, they went straight to the hotel.
25 de jun de 2013 08:28
Respostas · 1
1. The quality of goods being advertised is rather bad. 2. I was proud of having been elected the chairman. 3. The house being built in our street is very good. 4. Having been shown the wrong direction, he lost his way. 5. On arriving at the town, they went straight to the hotel.
26 de junho de 2013
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