Wu Ting
How would you explain this sentence? This had been his world and he(Strike) had been happy there. For all the inconveniences and hardships of military life, for all that he had emerged from the army minus half his leg, he did not regret a day of the time he had spent serving. And yet, he had not been of these people, even while among them. He had been a monkey, and then a suit, feared and disliked about equally by the average squaddie. If ever the SIB talk to you, you should say “No comment, I want a lawyer.” Alternatively, a simple “Thank you for noticing me” will suffice. How would you explain the last sentence of the first passage: He had been a monkey, and then a suit, feared and disliked about equally by the average squaddie? Thanks!
31 de out de 2013 13:35
Respostas · 2
I suspect this is referring to his rank. He started out in the lower ranks(a monkey), then was promoted to become an officer (a suit). The average squadron member equally feared him and disliked him.
31 de outubro de 2013
Strike had gone into the military acting silly and maybe childish (like a monkey). He then became the extreme opposite. He had become like a business man. Proper and educated (the slang for this is "suit" because businessmen often wear suits). But whether he was acting silly or proper he was still disliked by most people in the army.
31 de outubro de 2013
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