More daily routines Can you please help me with the translation? Thank you! :-) Go to the park - пойти в парк Go to the swimming pool - пойти в бассейн Go to the allotment - перейти к отводу Go to the supermarket - пойти в супермаркет Go to the city centre - пойти в центр города Go for a walk -пойти на прогулку Go to the beach - пойти на пляж Go to a party - пойти на вечеринку Go to the dentist - идти к стоматологу Go to the optician - перейти на оптику To study - учиться To clean - очистить To eat - съесть To sleep - спать To rest - на отдых To paint - рисовать To drink - пить To play - идти играть To read - читать Can you recommend me a basic illustrated dictionary for adults or any on line blog or website with vocabulary for beginners? Much appreciated! :-)
20 de out de 2014 23:00
Respostas · 6
Go to the park - пойти в парк Go to the swimming pool - пойти в бассейн Go to the allotment - As far as I undersand, by 'allotment' you mean дача / дачный участок / садовый участок: Поехать на дачу / поехать в сад Go to the supermarket - пойти в супермаркет Go to the city centre - пойти в центр города Go for a walk - пойти на прогулку Go to the beach - пойти на пляж Go to a party - пойти на вечеринку Go to the dentist - идти к стоматологу Go to the optician - идти к окулисту -- go to the ophthalmologist; идти в оптику -- go to the optical shop To study - учиться To clean - чистить / очищать To eat - есть To sleep - спать To rest - отдыхать To paint - рисовать To drink - пить To play - играть To read - читать
21 de outubro de 2014
Hello! Unfortunately I didn't see any web resource for adults with pictures but you can create it yourself on a similar resources. It's easy to make and even maybe someone has already done such dictionary and you can download it free. This app is free for PC or Mac, also you can use it online free too. For iPhone or Android you need to buy. This resource allows you to add any words, phrases, their translations and pictures or voice records. I found it very useful and easy for using. or I hope I could help you.
21 de outubro de 2014
Hello! Unfortunately I didn't see any web resource for adults with pictures but you can create it yourself on a similar resources. It's easy to make and even maybe someone has already done such dictionary and you can download it free. This app is free for PC or Mac, also you can use it online free too. For iPhone or Android you need to buy. This resource allows you to add any words, phrases, their translations and pictures or voice records. I found it very useful and easy for using. or I hope I could help you.
21 de outubro de 2014
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