What is the difference between 갈 거야, 가겠어, and 가고있어? Earlier today, I was speaking to my Korean friend, and she tried to explain the difference between 갈 거야, 가겠어, and 가고있어, but through her broken English, I wasn't able to understand the difference. Are they interchangeable? What are their differences and connotations?
31 de jan de 2015 11:14
Respostas · 1
가고 있다 is present continuous. "I am going" 갈 거다 is future. "I will go" 가겠다 can also mean future, especially when used very formally to ask a question or for short, formal responses. Ex. Yes sir, I will definitely go! 네, 꼭 가겠습니다! But more often V + 겠 means something closer to "would." Ex. If it were you, would YOU go? (implying it's a bad idea, you would not) 너같으면 가겠어? Honestly, the usages, for "겠" are pretty complex and depend a lot on the context.
31 de janeiro de 2015
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