What Korean verb politeness level do Koreans use on the internet? For example on a forum to strangers, or on a Youtube comment, which form do they use? habnida/yo/ect.. I know korean learners probably stick to the polite form on the internet, but if korean natives are chatting to each other or commenting on something (strangers) then I don't know. The reason I ask this question is because I play League of Legends and I'm trying to figure out what form they use in the chat.
21 de mai de 2015 20:15
Respostas · 6
In this video they use 반말 while playing LoL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRPhnVSGBo4 I think it's because saying ~요 takes more time. dropping 요 makes communication faster, manners isn't really important when you are playing a game like LoL.
22 de maio de 2015
Okay^ but in a game such as League of Legends I think it is ok to use 반말.
24 de maio de 2015
I think It's up to person. As for me, I would use 니다/ 요/ .. But, most Korean also would think someone who don't use 니다./요 as rude or impolite. So, I think if you met someone who don't use 니다/ 요 from the first time you meet, just ignore them. because they must not have gotten good education. Lol.. and also It would be very hard to understand all things they said because even Korean like me, sometimes I couldn't understand whole things that they said.
21 de maio de 2015
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