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A question about adjective ! I want to know if we want use some adjectives in the sentence, which must we use at firstly? Shape or color? For example, It has a big, black wooden door.OR It has a black, big wooden door. Thank you in advance :)
3 de jul de 2015 07:17
Respostas · 4
Size comes before shape. Shape comes before colour. Colour comes before material. big black wooden door big square wooden door square black wooden door or even lovely big black wooden door Generally, the most essential feature is mentioned last, and closest to the noun. This is often the material, such as wooden. The most objective adjective, such as lovely, comes first, and furthest from the noun.
3 de julho de 2015
Hi! I'm JR in New York and I'm happy to help you improve your spoken English! If you need help, please add me / respond back! Hope to chat soon and become great friends! Add me on QQ International at: 1990992857 or ooVoo at: 6214337481
4 de julho de 2015
it gets worse!!! imagine several adjectives in the same 'category' ... how to order them??? It was an imposing, forbidding, dread-inspiring door that confronted them - within category, order by degree?
3 de julho de 2015
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