Dieu Tran
improve my listening My listening is really bad. Are there solutions to improve it?
28 de ago de 2015 15:30
Respostas · 6
You can help yourself by engaging with the topic before you listen. If you are going to listen to a podcast then ask yourself "What do I know about this topic? What am I expecting to hear? What words do I know connected with the topic." This helps your brain to warm up instead of going in cold. Hope this helps. Bob
28 de agosto de 2015
I say there is no way you can do it quickly, but you might be able to do it in a year. My advice is: 1) Find a book, a good teacher, or a website that explains English phonetics very well. Learn the nuts and bolts of English's sounds thoroughly. For example, do it until you can hear and pronounce "word" vs "world", "bit" vs "beat", and all such things distinctly. 2) Find sources of good texts and audio. Read, read, read, and read, And mix in some listening on the side, especially news casts. You do it until you can read Economist, Time, and other magazines and literary books comfortably. Once you can do this, your listening and speaking will have improved remarkably. This is my experience. I think there is no substitute for the above. Most other methods will cost you more while taking much longer to get to the same point.
29 de agosto de 2015
My listening is not good either, and neither my speaking... But at least I've made dramatic progress by indulging in American TV series with only English subtitles. Maybe you can have a try~ Good luck~
28 de agosto de 2015
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