What does "hehe" or "hehehe" mean please? Do you really use it in English?
12 de fev de 2016 08:52
Respostas · 9
HeHe and HaHa aren't really words, they are just a phonetic spelling of how some people laugh. In a similar way to how Moo! is used to represent the sound that a cow makes or woof the ound that a dog makes. This is way you will see HeHe or HeHeHeHeHe to show that you were laughing longer.
12 de fevereiro de 2016
No. It means the person who typed it was laughing. It is not an actual word, but it is intended to depict the sound made when laughing.
12 de fevereiro de 2016
Sometimes it means that what you said previously was meant as a joke or "tongue in cheek"
12 de fevereiro de 2016
No. It means the person who typed it was laughing. It is not an actual word, but it is intended to depict the sound made when laughing.
12 de fevereiro de 2016
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