How would u describe yourself in five words? What five words would you say describes you the best. It can be about your personality, the kind of stuff you like, anything.
26 de nov de 2008 01:58
Respostas · 30
Im sorry I only find 2 words : PERFECT and ...MODEST...
26 de novembro de 2008
Coolest person in the world.
26 de novembro de 2008
1. Trustworthy. 2. Always happy. 3. VERY Loud. 4. Talkative interesting. 5. Outgoing VERY FORGIVING
26 de novembro de 2008
1. Fighter 2. Busy 3. Open 4. Honest 5. Crazy
3 de dezembro de 2008
1.honest my name mean that.2 .crazy some times.3.friendly.4.funny and boring some times.5.romantic and sensitive
2 de dezembro de 2008
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