¿Por que? o ¿Porque? I am not sure if or why ¿por que...? should become ¿porque...? When should this even happen and why does it happen in the first place?I have been told by a few Spanish speakers, that ¿por que? at a beginning of a sentence sometimes becomes one word ¿porque..?. However they say this still means "why" in both cases. I have no idea why this is true, or if it even is.
15 de nov de 2017 08:05
Respostas · 6
"Por que" is a question (why) and "porque" is the response to the question (because) Exemple: ¿por qué esta haciendo tanto calor? Porque es verano. I hope that helped you. Saludos!
15 de novembro de 2017
Por qué. To ask questions. ALWAYS with interrogation mark ¿por qué tienes miedo? Por qué. Indirect question. NO interrogation mark. Me pregunto por qué tienes miedo. Porque. To answer. Tengo hambre porque no he comido nada. Porqué. ALWAYS WITH "EL" similar to say "the reason/motive/cause". No hay tiempo para explicar el porqué.
15 de novembro de 2017
There's not any chance to find "porque" as a question tag: "¿porque .....?" Sure not. never 1. POR QUÉ Explicit Question: We use it for ask the reason of something. > "¿Por qué llegas tarde?" (Why are you late?) Implicit Question: Apart from find it at the begining of the sentence, there's another position in the middle of the sentence in that cases when a kind of reason is implicit: > "Quiero saber por qué llegas tarde". (I want to know why you are late) 2. PORQUE We used as the answer for the previous cuestion, that is, the answer for any reason. > "Llego tarde porque perdí el tren". I am late because I missed the train 3. PORQUÉ Reason, cause. Imagine that someone I invited to my birthday party wasn't there. If I want to know his/her reason we have just known that we can ask in two different ways: > "¿Por qué no viniste ?" Why didn't you come? (1) ....or.... > "Quiero saber por qué no viniste" I want to know why you din't come (1) The last one is to refer the problem only by the question tag "why", without saying anything else, without more information, because it is implicit in the situation: > "Quiero saber el porqué". I want to know why 4. Por que. It's a bit more difficult and long to explain, because it conects with gramar functions. 4a) Por + (los) + que (relative pronoun) [los, las, el, la ...changing it for concordance purpose. We can use it or omit it] > "Los premios por (los) que competían no resultaban muy atractivos." The prizes for those who competed were not very attractive. 4b) Por + que (starting relative clause) [por que, por donde, por cuanto...] There's even any other possibility conected in english with the preposition FOR, WHAT, THAt or NOTHING > "Están ansiosos por que empecemos a trabajar en el proyecto" They are anxious for us to start working on the project. >"Al final optaron por que no se presentase." In the end they chose not to show up. http://www.rae.es/consultas/porque-porque-por-que-por-que
15 de novembro de 2017
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